Search Engine Secret

Sunday, September 27, 2009

There are many search engines that we know as GOOGLE, YAHOO, MSN, ALTAVISTA, GREEN SEARCH, AOL, EBAY, AMAZON, LYCOST, WIKIPEDIA and others, but often we know google is still the king in search engine's database because they complete. whatever we want to know in this world we can do only with the type of keywords and in seconds alakazam!! all are available.

Goods, services, equipment, advertising, discussion, photos or whatever you need in the research enterprise, market trends, surveys or other data analysis purposes which, if done manually takes time and must have a relatively large cost and most importantly we can do all It is only from home, work desk, on the bed, beach lane, above the mountains, listening to music, and wherever we are as long as there is Internet connection. technological revolution that's greatness.

behind all of it may still have a question - asked where the search engine can make a profit, and we use it without paying a dime of money? for some people may not know the secret behind the search engine, ok I'll share a little knowledge I have aimed for beginners or for who wants to participate and earn a little money from the secret of Search Engine.

before we begin, turn on your favorite music and also like to take a snack from the fridge to go with our casual discussion to the fore. ready?

confidential sources of income of search engines is the main 5 (five) it follows: ads, ads, ads, ads and ads

what? why are all the same answer? yes because the Internet business is the highest and the ADS search engines get revenue from advertisers.

I do not understand, try to explain further ...
in the marketing world there are only two players, producers and consumers where the producer with all the effort to provide information to prospective purchasers to buy products through discounts, free products and the most important is the ADS.
search engines provide a bridge to prospective buyers by providing all types of information needed, the more the search engine may only be visited by people just roaming the Internet, and other research - the other it was enough to convince the producers to place ads on search engines is certainly a cost appropriate. hopefully enough to give you an idea about the source of income for search engines.

The Good news is that we as Internet users or by individual consumers can also make money from search engines. there are many business opportunities that offer something like this but our focus is the search for 'People'. yes now we know the prediction of the number of United Nation until 2012 as many as 7 billion people, we take an example, try searching the keyword "people search" in google, will appear 459,000,000 search results means we have significant business opportunities and promising to start search business people. if it has cost you enough to build the search engine itself, but I am trying to offer is that we do not have to bother with all the necessities to build a system, database etc. because everything is made in a single package that contains everything that you need. all the information about the identity, address, telephone number packed into a search engine named AcmePeopleSearch.

Tell me how do i start ?

what is offered by AcmePeopleSearh:
 * FACT: 30% of All Searches on Google and Yahoo are People Search Related - and Growing!
 * Meet the Demand in This Exploding Niche With Your OWN Automated People Search Engine!
 * Earn Affiliate Commissions from EIGHT Different Income Streams Rolled into One Program!
 * Build Residual Income Streams from both GDI and GVO Using the Built-in Referral Program!
 * FREE Advertising of Your Search Engine While You Learn to Earn (this is not a get-rich-quick!)
 * A GUARANTEED Commission of $ 125.00 Within 24 Hours of Starting Your FREEAdvertising!
 * Personal Support from Tissa Godavitarne and a Community of Successful and Helpful Users!

Tissa Godavitarne Review 

Acme People Search Review

Now I asked myself why would someone share or give me a People Search Engine of my own when he makes 2.2 Million from one Affiliate Program alone? Why would he not just keep doing what he is doing to make money without sharing what he is doing. Well Tissa tells us this regarding that below:

"Because the more money you make with YOUR niche search engine, the more money I will make. Let me explain: Because my search engine generates such tremendous sales volume, the affiliate networks recently agreed to pay me "2nd-tier" commissions for sales referred by other affiliates as well. So in addition to the hefty commissions they will pay you, they will also pay me a second, smaller commission for every sale you make!"

So as you or I make Affiliate Commissions Tissa make a smaller commission or 2nd tier commission also.

One thing that I really liked with this program was the Webinars that Tissa conducts(usually 3-5 weekly) where you can get on the webinar and ask questions and listen to all the other Affiliates questions too. Affiliate Marketing can be tricky to a lot of people so I was happy to see there is support for his Affiliates. He also has a support ticket system and detailed instructions on how to set up your Niche Search Engine once you get started.
source from : tissa godavitarne review
you should also read this 

until my explanation here, for further discussion or simply frequently asked questions please comment below. I will answer with all the knowledge I have.

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There are already people who succeed in this business? detail please see here 
 until my explanation here, for further discussion or simply frequently asked questions please comment below. I will answer with all the knowledge I have.

See you at the Top
we never know the front fork, is headed to the summit a success or a chasm of death, and if we do not take one of these roads will never know the answer . (The Road is not Taken : Robert Frost)


Rohit Rajgaria said...

Thanks a lot for the information..its a great help for me...

Thanka a lot to BC that i came across ur blog..

keep it up man


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